вторник, 15 января 2008 г.

Mahalo is still not a business that can be taken seriously



Mahalo ranked 69th last week among Search Engines and received 0.02% of all US Internet visits to Search Engines compared with Google's 55.52%. 

Mahalo appeals more to younger Internet users, 18-24 year olds in particular. The following chart compares Mahalo's visits by age group to the US online population. As you can see 18-24 year olds were 36.67% more likely to be on Mahalo.com than average.



Mahalo receives most of its traffic from Search Engines (76% last week) and sends most of its traffic to Entertainment (37%) and News and Media (19%) websites. Visitors seem particularly interested in games websites such as GameSpot, IGN Cheats and Game FAQs and News and Media websites, in particular, Google News and other online news sources.

Mahalo is the people magazine of the internet. It's filled with the popular stuff, and if you put enough popular stuff in close proximity you start to generate traffic. It'll be interesting to see what Mahalo becomes, and whether or not they'll be able to keep the information and links fresh. Maintaining Mahalo doesn't get cheaper over time.


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