пятница, 23 ноября 2007 г.

Rudy Giuliani’s Google ads come under fire from the Reddit mob





Earlier today at Reddit the users decided to abuse Googel Ads and play around with the conversion rate for Rudy Giuliani’s paid ads on Google. How many Google clicks does it take to become president?

Thousands of people clicked on the Google ad before it was pulled off Google.

Redditers asked everyone to click on Rudy Giuliani’s paid ads simply because they cost him money.

Although unethical and pointless it does show the weakness of Google Ads. Click an ad, and there goes a couple of dollars. Turn it into a meme or a viral joke and thousands go down the drain, together with the entire idea of click-based ads.

Google continues to try and stop click fraud but this event shows how open to abuse the Google ad model is.


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