вторник, 23 октября 2007 г.

Improve your Adsense revenue with YieldBuild



YieldBuild is a company that aims to improve your Google Adsense performance.

Contextual ads have one prevailing obstacle: After their initial placement into text by publishers, their formatting and placement is seldom altered and tested to see if response can be improved. As a result, the ad’s true earning power is never realized.

YieldBuild aims to resolve this by using its technology and optimization system to allow for ongoing testing and improvement with minimal involvement on the part of the publisher.

It automatically determines what should be the best placement and appearance of an ad based on results from webpage visitors. It tests and retests an ad, improving the RPMs of the ad layout, and thereby increasing the program’s revenue.

The system continually tests alternative configurations of layouts, networks, and color, looking for the highest performing ones. It takes about 100,000 impressions to train the system.

They’ve been privately beta testing the system and have seen improvements of 50% to over 100% in effective CPM rates on user profile pages.

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